Vox Dei (my amazingly awesome publisher) has so much goodness coming your way. For real. Some amzing books are about to be released and I am so super excited to get to share in their launch joy by spreading the word. We kicked off with our introduction to Niki Krauss' upcoming LIttle Girl mended and I get to follow up by revealing the cover to not one but two soon to be releases.
We will go with ladies first and start with The Gates Manor Band by Jan Hem

(Insert applause here.)
Julia Burch is a typical 50 year old tired of her typical life. But that changes when she answers a mysterious phone call that takes her back 30 years.
A series of inexplicable events leaves Julia searching for answers—and forces her to face the source of her unhappiness. But this is only the beginning; there are others who desperately need the vibrant faith and message of love Julia has rediscovered. Prisoners of the past, they have lost hope for anything better and, for some, time is running out.
What follows is a journey that crosses social status, racial lines, and even time itself to unite a group of people called to an adventure that will surpass anything they could have imagined.

Connect with Jan on...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Lifewritenow/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/janshemby
And last but certainly not least (drumrolling)....Wheelman by Brian L. Tucker.

Teen Cy Vance wants to do one thing: D-R-I-V-E. Except he has nowhere to go and no way to get there. But when he’s given a note at church, he discovers his dad–one of the FBI’s Most Wanted–is alive and well in Mexico…and he wants Cy to meet him ASAP!
With the help of a best friend, Cy escapes Child Protective Services and flees to Mexico. What he doesn’t know is that his father is going to ask even more of him when they meet.
How far will Cy go to help his family, and will it cost him his life?

Brian L. Tucker grew up in Monticello, KY. His stories have appeared in various publications, including: Trajectory Journal and Story Shack Magazine. He is guest writer for Journey Chattanooga, and current co-editor for The Woodshed, a journey towards masculinity. His family currently resides in beautiful Chattanooga, Tennessee—home of the Moon Pie and Ruby Falls. Visit him 24/7 on his website: BrianLTucker.com and follow him on Twitter @theBrianTucker.
Contact Brian L. Tucker
Website: http://www. http://brianltucker.com/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/brianltuckerbook
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ theBrianTucker
Well, there they are. I know you are ready to add them to your "want to read" list. Be sure to follow these amazing authors on social media to stay in the loop and get to know them better. (They are both pretty awesome.) And while you're at it stay up to date with the latest from Vox Dei Publishing by following them on your favorite social network or signing up for their email newsletter. Click Here to go to Vox Dei's website!