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Tabitha Caplinger

I Wanna Be A Book Dragon.

I am not a reader. I don't do much of the reading of the books. I like more of the watching of the movies and the television. And, yes I get that I write books that I want people to read so the fact I don't read a lot is kind of weird and maybe a little hypocritical. I am working on it.

It's actually one of my "year on purpose" goals, to read more fiction. (I say fiction here because I actually tend to read a lot of devotionals like Lisa Bevere's Lioness Arising which I highly recommend. So I do read, some, just not of the kind that I write which brings me back to the earlier statement of being a little hypocritical.)

Why? Why am I worried about this? Why am I making it a goal? I mean I've survived this long without doing much reading beyond what was forced upon me by high school English teachers, so why be intentional about reading more?

I want to write better.

That answer may be disappointing in its selfish nature but it's the truth. The more I read the better I will write. I want this writing thing to be more than a hobby so I need to do my due diligence, reading more is the next step for me.

I mean, I could have said for the love of stories and other such things but I already loved stories. Thus, my television addiction. I love a good TV show because it's got a story that keeps me wanting more, because it has characters that I care about. (I'm still hanging on ten seasons in to Supernatural because I'm invested in what happens to those Winchesters by golly.)

I want people to feel that way about my stories and my characters. I want people to be all in. Dare I say it, I WANT FANGIRLS!! But I'm not making a TV show. (Which, if I was, all by myself, it would be kind of hilarious don't you think?) No, I'm writing a book. So, I need to read others and see how they craft a story and develop a character that sucks me in. I need to know what makes me turn to the next page and the next or what makes me set it down and walk away. I need to know what would make me fangirl.

I am going to read more so I can write better.

I've already started. While I may not be so voracious as to call my self a book dragon, or even a book worm just yet, I am proud of myself for getting off to a good start.

So far this summer I have read Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee. I couldn't put this book down. I am forever thankful for that English teacher that made me read To Kill A Mockingbird in high school because it is one of my all time favorites and now it's sequel has also made that very short list. (They also made me read Johnny Got His Gun which is another all time favorite so thanks Mrs. Wine in AP English for that beautiful assignment as well.)

I read The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. You should read it. If you are a Christian you should definitely read it. Seeing spiritual warfare through the lens of the enemy is eye, heart and mind opening.

I had the pleasure of devouring a book by my friend and publishing sibling Joshua Miller, which will be released in the near future and it was awesome and had snarky humor which I loved and you will love it. I can't tell you more about it yet, but when I can I will so be on the lookout.

Currently I am reading the first in the Book of Mortals series by Ted Dekker and Tosca Lee. I'm off to a slower start on this one but it's me not them. Life got in the way of reading. (By life I mean I got obsessed with bingewatching Hoarders on Hulu.)

I let you know all of this to ask you for book recommendations. What are you reading? What have you read that was awesome? What is your favorite book of all time that I must add to my TBR list? Seriously, comment your suggestions because I don't know where to go next. All of the books is just too much. Maybe you can help me become a book dragon. (Doesn't book dragon sound way cooler than book worm? I think so. plus, you know, dragons are awesome.)

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