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A Faded Rose

Etta Morehouse

Updated: Mar 29, 2020

There was one instance when my mother was asked to share at a ladies event. It wasn't long after her mother, my grandmother, had passed away and she took the opportunity to share about the legacy my grandmother had left to her and therefore to me and my sisters and even my daughters. Recently my mom sent me the notes from that event and they meant so much I wanted to share them here.

The things I want to share I hope will help you as a mother and as a daughter.

My mama was a prayer warrior! She believed in prayer and often got lost in His Presence while she was praying. I learned about Jesus by watching my mama! She left me a legacy worth more than gold. She taught me that when you don't think you can make it, don't look at the circumstances or things from earth's point of view, but look at it from Heaven's point of view. Now you say, "I've never been to Heaven so how can I see from Heaven, how is this going to work?" Maybe her story will help you understand.

My mama was a Heaven's Point of View person, she had to be because if she had considered her circumstance from earth's standards she would never have made it. My mama was shot at, cheated on, had very little according to the world's standards. Plus she had seven children to contend with, to feed and watch and love. And she had very little in the way of earthly wealth.

When my mothers estate was settled and all the expenses had been paid I think each child ended up with something like $34 each.That was in part because she never had much and in part because mama was a giving person! She always said "you can't outgive God." But I think sometimes she tried.!!! I never cared about her money. Mama left me something far greater than wealth, she taught me about the Lord and she taught me how to pray. She taught me that Jesus was my Rock and I could depend on Him.

I remember my dad telling us that he would take the older children out to get wood for the winter. When he and my brothers and sister would return home mama would be praying and they could hear her calling her children and husband by name and it would go on and on. This was normal, to hear mama praying for us. My dad would be very annoyed but he would not let them disturb her until she was finished. She would just be lost in the presence of God and time seemed to stand still for her. She never knew she was holding my dad up, that he might have been waiting for her because she was waiting on God.

One particular time I remember her telling that she had been burdened for someone (most likely my dad at that time becuase he was not saved until much later). She had put lunch on to cook and in those days she cooked on a wood stove. How many of you have ever cooked dried navy beans on a wood stove? Well, she went to pray and she only intended to spend a short time in prayer and then finish the meal before daddy and the others came in from the fields. But when she finally finished and looked out the window she realized time had gotten away from her again as my dad was already coming across the road. She said she knew she was in trouble. She rushed to the kitchen thinking that her fire was out and nothing would be ready, thinking of a backup plan to fix something in a hurry, not that there would be many options. Guess what? The beans were done to perfection, the fire was still warm enough to get the biscuits done and in a matter of minutes she had lunch ready. Mama always said the angels cooked dinner for her that day because there was no way the little wood she had put in the stove would have lasted 3 hours.

Now, my mama was not a saint, she made mistakes. She was just an ordinary person that believed in prayer and God honored her prayers.She passed on that torch to me! She never let her circumstances get her down. (I am still working on that). Though she had many rough situations she had to walk through and she often struggled to make sure her family had what they needed. She would always say, "I have to look at this from Heaven's Point of View."

Mama loved roses, red was her favorite. But even rose bushes that are cultivated and taken care of will lose their blooms and fade away when winter comes.

The last few years of mama's life, her winter months, strokes had ravaged her body and her mind. She was in and out of the hospital many times. I remember we were called to the hospital on a Sunday night and as I walked into her hospital room I saw how each stroke was taking a little more of mama and leaving a shell in her place. I asked mama a hard question. I said, "mama if you don't make it this time is everything still alright between you and the Lord?" Now, I knew she loved Jesus, I was asking this for me, my own assurance. Though her words were slurred this is what she said to me, "it's just a little trip over the river and I'll be home, everything is alright" I'll remember those words as long as I live and I want to be able to say to my children, "It's just a little trip over the river and I'll be home. Everything is all right!" Celebrate Me Home!

Though my mother faded away as a rose fades in the winter time she left a well cultivated rose bush, with deep, healthy roots, and the buds are springing into life. I see God's hand moving over my family and I know mama's prayers are still at work.

One last side note, God loves His children and He honors their prayers. My oldest brother was 65 plus and mama had prayed for him for years. She didn't see this while on earth but a few weeks after her passing, in a little Methodist church, he went forth and gave his heart to the Lord. So no, mama did not see it from earth's point of view but I am sure she saw it from Heaven's point of view and I am sure she was dancing with Jesus. Her prayers were answered!

Above is my grandmother with two of her sons. And to the right is myself and my mother.

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